
Woohoo! So long 2021!


Think about how far we have come together in the past 12 months.  January, nearly all events were virtual, one zoom session after the next. Fast forward months later, several events & exhibitions are successfully taking place in-person!  Our chapter had a few successful in-person events as well. From Schaumburg in June, our Annual Golf Outing at Seven Bridges to the Annual Meeting at The Tap in October.  


For those of you who missed the Annual Meeting, we gathered at the new Hyatt Regency McCormick space, The Tap.  We had an outstanding panel collaborating and discussing modernizing your personal brand by continuing to connect, be flexible to change and most importantly being authentic to you.  Be sure to check out the panelist recap here.  We ended the fall with a virtual demo from Evolio Marketing.  Joe from Evolio discussed the importance of how driving success comes from analyzing the right data and asking key personalized survey questions to ensure a more valuable ROI. 


To close out the year and spread a little holiday cheer, we had the opportunity to cheers in LaGrange, IL.  It was the perfect occasion to celebrate one heck of a year, and thank Dawn Young, for her countless hours, creativity, mentorship and leadership throughout the years. Dawn has officially become the latest member in the elite “Past Presidents Club.” I do wonder what she will be doing with all of her free time!?