The Latest News from the IAEE Midwestern Chapter
IAEE Midwestern Chapter Chair - Jean M. Heis, CAE, CMP
Hello Midwestern Chapter members!
I'd like to start off by congratulating you on winning Most Engaged Chapter for the 2nd consecutive year at Expo! Expo! As you know, our region spans several states, so staying engaged is incredibly important to our continued success.
We had a great year and "kicked" it off in January with our Annual Kickball tournament at McCormick Place. Newcomers LoSasso Integrated Marketing won and they'll be back again to defend their title. Don't forget to register for our January 23, 2020 event!
This year we saw membership grow by 21%, our Young Professionals added content discussions to their meet-ups, we held great educational events hosted by Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Renaissance Schaumburg and Convene and we raised $4300 for our chapter charity, Sarah's Circle. The Annual Golf Outing at Seven Bridges and our holiday Jingle Mingle at Fulton Market Kitchen were both well attended and a fun way to catch up with one another.
I hope you'll join us at our events next year. Remember, our events provide a tremendous opportunity to make industry connections and strengthen your network. I am so proud of our chapter and its members, volunteers and Board, and I'm thrilled Dawn Young is our incoming chair - she has a great year planned!
I hope you, your family, friends and fur babies enjoy the holiday season. We have busy schedules and many of us travel throughout the year for work. My wish for you is that you can slow down, get out in nature, binge some Netflix, share some great meals, laugh with friends and take naps. And if you can't wind down for the holiday, then I wish that you find some time when you can.
It was an honor to be your Chapter Chair in 2019! Jean
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Meet Your 2020 Board of Directors
As the IAEE Midwestern Chapter works to close out a busy and successful 2019, we are proud to announce the leaders who will collectively use their talent, expertise, and commitment to help IAEEMWC move forward in 2020. Click here to meet your board.
The Board of Directors is also pleased to announce that Moriah Hathaway has been asked to fill a vacated seat on the Executive Committee. As of November 15th, Cassie Palacios resigned her position as Secretary/Treasurer due to a family move that took her outside of the Midwestern Chapter boundaries. Moriah has immediately taken over Cassie's vacated seat and has assumed her progression through the seats on the Executive Committee. Thank you, Moriah and congrats!
Expo! Expo! YP Scholarship Experience
As this year's Midwestern Chapter Young Professional Scholarship winner, I had the opportunity to experience Expo! Expo! as an attendee. I had previously attended as an exhibitor only, so I was excited to be a full-time registrant and experience the educational side of this conference. I left Las Vegas feeling energized, educated, and confident in the future of my career.
I kicked off Tuesday morning in the IAEE Hangout that was a new take on a networking environment. I grabbed some coffee while browsing through the Art of the Show Winners gallery, checked out the innovative ZenSpace meeting pods, and connected with a group that I had met at this year's IAEE Krakoff Leadership Forum. There was something new around each corner! learn more...
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Holiday Jingle Mingle Recap
A very warm thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual holiday gathering on November 13th at the Fulton Market Kitchen. As always, we had a great time and it was wonderful to gather with friends, associates and colleagues to celebrate the season. It was an excellent opportunity for members to meet new members, share stories from this year, and reconnect with friends. It was fun connecting with each of you. We had a great turn out of over 60 members! A special thank you to Shepard for hosting the first 20 planners!
Thank you and happy holidays from all of us at the IAEE Midwestern Chapter!
Congratulations on earning your CEM!
Earning the CEM designation is a professional game changer! The Midwestern Chapter is proud to recognize the following members who have honorably earned and maintained the CEM designation: Jessica Bernstein-Boyle, Donna Busse, Kristie Chicki, Angela Chybik, Carmen Diaz, Robin Estey, Lara Fitts Gamache, Moriah Hathaway, Amy Nitschke, Katie Ruback, Ken Schott, Ross Starr, Joan (Ching-Hui) Su, and Heidi Weiss.
Congratulations Jean Heis
During this year's Expo! Expo! held on December 3-5, 2019 at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, our very own Jean Heis, CMP, Director, Meetings and Exhibits, Institute of Food Technologists was named as an Ex-officio Director representing the Chapter Leaders Council in 2020. Once again, congratulations Jean!
Let the Games Begin! You're Invited to a Friendly Game of Kickball
January 23 |McCormick Place West Hall F2| 4:30 PM Who's ready to get their kick on? Bring a minimum 6-person team and try your best to strike out, fly out, tag out or force out your opponents.
Not a Kick Ball player? Join us anyway and be a benchwarmer! Root for your favorite team as you enjoy plenty of refreshments and of course, networking.
For more information and to register your team, click here.
Will you join us? Save the Dates!
February 23, 2020 | Education Program
April 14, 2020 | Industry Xchange
June 2, 2020 | Education Program
Calling for Volunteers! Get Involved
Join an IAEE Midwestern Chapter Committee!
Gain valuable leadership experience and build your professional network by serving on one of IAEE Midwestern Chapter's volunteer committees. We rely heavily on the passion and commitment of our committee volunteers to provide high quality events, programs, and opportunities for our members. Volunteers of all backgrounds and experience levels are welcome! Educate your mind. Sharpen your skills. Strengthen your connections. IAEE MWC is an excellent catalyst for this development, but ultimately, it's up to you to make it happen. Take a look at our committee lineup and apply today. Come be a part of the fun!
Partner with #IAEEMWC!
Reaching real buyers has never been easier or more cost effective.
Consider a partnership with IAEE Midwestern Chapter to promote your company, products and/or services to our members. We offer many avenues of collaboration to increase your brand awareness and strengthen your organization's mission and value statement. We are excited to introduce new and creative ways of exposing your products and services to a group of over 600 buyers and decision makers. You can reach the exhibit manager members of our chapter who represent organizations of all sizes and needs. learn more ...
Our Chapter Charity Update
Thank you to everyone who has participated in our toiletry donations, 50/50 raffles, and our golf outing fundraising for Sarah's Circle, our chapter charity. Your contributions are deeply appreciated (Thank You Letter from Sarah's Circle). We are thrilled to report, we have raised a grand total of $4,300! Below is a breakdown:
February Education: $280 Winter Walk: $450 June Education: $163 and Care Box Golf Outing: $2,935 October Education: $370 and Care Box November Jingle Mingle: $162 and Care Box
The 2020 Sarah's Circle Winter Walk is on Sunday, February 23rd. Please email Heather if you are interested in learning more at [email protected].
Welcome New Member Organizations
Quirk's Event TourGuide Solutions Viper Tradeshow Services

Tweet us at @IAEEMWC and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to keep up with the latest membership and industry news and trends!
