Quarter 4 Newsletter 2020 |

Greetings IAEE Midwestern Chapter friends!
Congratulations, you made it to December in the infamous year of 2020! I think we all deserve a big pat on the back for that. The conclusion of this year makes me think of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I have taken many walks around my neighborhood, and so many houses have gone all out with their holiday decorations. As Dr. Seuss might have said this year, “Covid-19 HADN’T stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same!”
As for the IAEE MWC, we have maintained an impressively busy pace closing out the year by hosting our annual meeting virtually in November and a bustling virtual Holiday House Party in December. I know we all cannot wait to get back to face-to-face, yet I admire the enthusiasm and engagement maintained by so many in our chapter.
With this being my last letter to our membership as chair, I want to thank everyone who has supported me this year. Although it has been a year that none of us had expected, I think we have experienced how important it is to listen and connect with one another. Also, we can truly accomplish a lot when faced with great challenges. I am proud to have served with our awesome 2020 Board of Directors as we worked to change things up and keep our association relevant into 2021 and beyond. Let us all prioritize staying connected, engaged, and continuing to care for one another and push forward in the year ahead.
I wish you all a happy, healthy holiday season!
Dawn Young, CEM, Chapter Chair
Announcing 2021 Directors & Officers |
As the IAEE Midwestern Chapter works to close out a year like no other, we are proud to announce the leaders who will collectively use their talent, expertise, and commitment to help IAEEMWC move forward in 2021. Click here to meet your board.
2021- Turning Challenges into Opportunity! |
Innovative Thought Leadership Sponsorships! Not the same ol’ same ol’.
We’re in this together, bringing collaborative education, networking and innovative solutions to 1400+ Midwestern Chapter members!
Don’t miss out on new sponsorship opportunities. Learn more
Support our Chapter Charity, Sarah's Circle
Support our Chapter Charity by participating in the 29th Annual Winter Walk: a Mile in Her Shoes! Between January 1 and February 28, participants are encouraged to take a mile-long "walk in her shoes" and donate to help women get off the street and into permanent homes. Join us for a virtual program on Sunday, February 28th at 1 pm. You are also encouraged to raise funds or make a donation on your own. Fundraisers will work together to reach the fundraising goal of $175,000 in time for the virtual program. Sarah's Circle is a non-profit agency with the mission of serving women who are homeless or in need of a safe space. Learn more.
Congratulations on earning your CEM |
Earning the CEM designation is a professional game changer! The Midwestern Chapter is proud to recognize the following members who have honorably earned and maintained the CEM designation: Mike Adams, Brooke Ginther, Jacquelyn La Favor, Craig Lorenz, Brittany Labatt, Lisa Van Groningen, Colette Apke, Jason Raymond, Kathy Lovato, Marissa Prochaska, Jorie Dydo, Jeanne Elipani, Adrianne Fjerstad-Miller, Gretchen Thielen, and Randal Acker.
Transitional Membership
As we continue to experience the devastating economic downfall to our industry, IAEE continues to support those that may have been laid off recently. We’re offering a transitional membership that will help you keep your member benefits and stay abreast of all the industry's new developments.
This transitional membership is available to individuals who were employed by member companies as of March 2020. It will extend benefits through June 2021. IAEE is waiving the criteria for this membership. Please contact [email protected] to keep receiving up to date information. Learn more
YP Scholarship Experience
This week, I had the pleasure of experiencing something from a different point of view. I was presented with the opportunity to attend Expo! Expo! – as an attendee. Being the Exhibits and Business Partnerships Coordinator at IFT, this was quite a refreshing change for me. I went into it with hopes of finding ways to serve my specific audience of exhibitors better. I got so much more. You always hear content is King and how no one has yet found a way to truly deliver high-quality results in a virtual platform to exhibitors while providing value. Learn more
Virtual Holiday House Party Recap
On Thursday, December 3, the chapter hosted our Holiday House Party. The event held virtually for the first-time allowed attendees to move around a virtual house and included fun room activities, trivia, and a gift card giveaway. Over 65 members signed into Zoom to reconnect with friends, associates, and colleagues as well as raising over $470 for Sarah’s Circle.
Shepard showed us how to BBQ a cedar plank salmon in the backyard, Choose Chicago had us dancing and making cocktails in the library. There was holiday-themed trivia in the dining room with Meet Chicago Northwest, name that tune with Freeman in the garage, and a scavenger hunt in Frosty’s Holiday Kitchen with GES.
A special thank you to Shepard for hosting the event and to everyone else that participated.
Happy Holidays from all of us at the IAEE Midwestern Chapter!
‘Twas the Night Before Convention Written by Maggie Menozzi, Director of Association Sales, Choose Chicago
‘Twas the night before Convention, when all thro’ the hall, Not a creature was stirring, and there was no union call;, when all thro’ the hall, Not a creature was stirring, and there was no union call; ... read more
Meeting Planners! Check it out: Southwest Airlines comes to O’Hare! |
On October 28, 2020, Southwest Airlines Co. published its initial flight schedules for both Chicago O’Hare International and Colorado Springs Municipal airports as the carrier continues expanding to bring the value and Hospitality of Southwest closer to more travelers and offers more destinations to fly for leisure and business travel.
More than 35 years after landing at Chicago Midway International Airport, Southwest will expand its footprint in the Chicagoland area, adding complementing service from Chicago O’Hare International Airport starting Feb. 14, 2021. The carrier’s initial service will offer 20 departures daily from O’Hare. Learn more
IAEE MWC Member Spotlight Jenn Welby |
What is the first thing you did as a new IAEE member? I joined the YP Committee! It was a great way to get to know people in the industry who are in a similar career spot. I love to learn how members got into the industry and get/give advice. This is a great way to get to know people in the industry who are in a similar career spot as myself.
How did you start your career in this industry? I was a Business Major with a Hospitality Management Minor at the University of Missouri- Columbia (MIZ!). I really enjoyed my hospitality classes, so I focused on applying to positions in the industry. I have been at SmithBucklin for 2.5 years and have helped plan over 12 events ranging from 100-25,000 attendees, not to mention multiple virtual events in the past eight months! My favorite part of working in Event Services is seeing our hard work pay off onsite. You get to see everything come full circle! Learn more