The Latest News from the IAEE Midwestern Chapter
IAEE Midwestern Chapter Chair - Jean M. Heis, CAE, CMP
What an eventful quarter for the IAEE Midwestern Chapter. Wow! I can't believe that it's already almost October. Now that our Midwestern long summer days are behind us, I'd like to encourage everyone to embrace the fall days ahead of us and get involved.
This Quarter's Highlights:
In July, we participated in both the IAEE's Women's Leadership Forum and the CEM Learning Course - Facilities & Site Selection, which drew industry professionals for excellent programming and networking events at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center. Also, we held our Annual Concurrent Meet Up, with other cities within our Chapter. Members from St. Louis, Milwaukee and Minneapolis joined Chicago in gathering together in our respective cities on July 18th to enjoy each other and have some informal networking time. I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you who have attended the monthly meetup events which have been so successful this summer. Lots of productive conversations and fun. Finally, Gretchen Thielen led our Idea Sharing Conference on July 30th discussing how other organizations handle housing and registration.
On September 4th the weather held out and we had another successful golf outing at Seven Bridges Golf Club! With great camaraderie and sportsmanship, what a better way to spend a day out of the office. Congratulations to Scott Wolters, Brian Kester, Bob Langer and Rick Smith on coming in 1st place.
I am very pleased to announce that our scholarship committee has selected the 2019 Expo! Expo! Midwestern Chapter Young Professional Scholarship recipient. Congratulations to Stephanie DeMarco, Client Relations Manager, GES.
We look forward to seeing you at our Annual Meeting taking place on Friday, October 4th. A panel of industry experts discuss the current buzz around convention housing, commission cuts, OTA's, revenue sharing, rebates, attrition clauses, loyalty points and much more. Please see below for more details.
Lastly, I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you reading this newsletter. By reading this you're supporting our chapter and without you all of this would not be possible. We will keep our incredible momentum going for the rest of the year, and into 2020. We will see you at our upcoming events (details below.)
AND THERE'S SO MUCH MORE! Please check out our events page on the IAEE Midwestern chapter's website today!
Thank you and I wish you all a very successful fall. Jean
Young Professional Expo! Expo! Scholarship
We're pleased to announce that our scholarship committee has selected the 2019 Expo! Expo! Midwestern Chapter Young Professional Scholarship recipient, Stephanie DeMarco, Client Relations Manager, GES.
Congratulations to Stephanie on her accomplishment!
We've had quite the social summer! If you didn't participate, you definitely MISSED OUT!
We are thrilled to see how successful our meetups continue to grow and evolve into not just time spent on learning, but truly a time where professionals come together as a community to share, talk, bond, and support each other. Let's keep our incredible momentum going.
view Golf Outing photo album
Congratulations David DuBois!
The IAEE Midwestern Chapter would like to congratulate David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA for being inducted into the Events Industry Council's Hall of Leaders. The ceremony was held during the recent IMEX America event in Las Vegas. David was joined by his wife Nancy, two daughters Liz Moreley and Julie David, and son Christopher and his wife Tara. David's theme was "We are Family," meaning that this industry is really a family of colleagues and friends. As noted in his nomination, David stands out due to his spirit of camaraderie and genuine desire to create results-oriented initiatives that benefit the entire industry.
IAEEMWC Annual Meeting The New World Order for Managing Convention Room Blocks Friday, October 4, 2019 | 9:00 - 11:00 am Convene Chicago, 16 W. Adam St., Chicago
Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO's) and Convention Bureaus (CVB's) are under pressure to provide more accurate return on investment information. Dave Czechowski, Choose Chicago, Senior Economist, Research & Analysis kicks of the morning with the latest information from Destinations International on the value measurement systems and metrics that cities, states and DMO's utilize to assess an events economic impact.
A panel of industry experts follow to discuss the current buzz around convention housing. Commission cuts, OTA's, revenue sharing, rebates, attrition clauses, loyalty points and more represent a growing list of disrupters to the traditional housing model.
What's next for the relationship between DMO's, hotels, convention housing companies and event organizers?
- Learn the latest methods for determining total room demand
- Understand generational buying habits
- Hear about techniques for improving room block results
Moderator: Keith Murphy, Senior National Sales Manager - McCormick Place Presenter: David Czechowski, Senior Economist, Research & Analysis - Choose Chicago
Panelists: Joe Wilush, Director of Sales, Client Relations - onPeak Donna Bongiovanni, Global Director, Americas Hyatt Sales Force - Hyatt Hotels Robert Hope, Director, Convention and Meetings - American College of Surgeons Kim Althoff, Vice President of Sales, Trade Shows & Media - ISSA
Click here to register and learn more! This program has been approved for 1.5 CEUs.
Expo! Expo! IAEE's Annual Meeting & Exhibition
EXPO! EXPO! is the "show for shows." There are 473 reasons to love the show for shows! Exhibition and events industry professionals attend this premier show to learn about the latest industry trends and technology, as well as network with like-minded professionals. This spectacular face-to-face meeting provides attendees with a diverse marketplace to view and assess the tools needed to plan and manage successful trade shows and events for years to come. No other trade show in the industry brings such a diverse group of buyers and sellers together for face-to-face interaction. learn more and register
Will you join us? Save the Dates!
November 13, 2019 Holiday Jingle Mingle | Fulton Market Kitchen
December 3, 2019 Chapter Reception at EXPO! EXPO! | Las Vegas, NV
You're Invited! Sarah's Circle: An Exceptional Beer Fest Friday, October 18th | 6-9 PM Joe's on Weed Street, 940 W Weed St, Chicago IL
This great event has exciting auctions with great prizes, an open bar, and a super fun live band. The best part is that all proceeds benefit Sarah's Circle and help women who are homeless! Find more information and get tickets here.
Ticketed guests enjoy all this: • Live Tunes from The Exceptions of Northern Trust • A Silent Auction with competitive online bidding • A Live Auction with world-class Auctioneer, Tim Gray • An Exciting Paddle Raise - NEW THIS YEAR! • Limitless fun with a 3-hour open bar
Enrich Your Professional Experiences! IAEE Mentor Match Program
The IAEE Mentor Program is committed to connecting emerging leaders with seasoned professionals within the exhibitions and events industry to share their knowledge, experience and advice creating a stronger and more successful professional experience. With regularity big publications, Wall Street Journal, Crain's and Forbes, along with more industry-specific periodicals, talk about the importance of getting a mentor when it comes to advancing your career. In addition, becoming a mentor can boost your own professional development, as well as helping others. Learn More
Tweet us at @IAEEMWC and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to keep up with the latest membership and industry news and trends!