
Greetings IAEE Midwest Chapter friends! Although we still face much uncertainly, it does feel good to get outside regularly, to enjoy the warm weather, and to reconnect in person with family and friends. As we hope to turn a corner and see live events safely practiced this fall, I continue to be grateful for my IAEE community to help navigate through all the change, and frankly, just stay sane!
On June 3rd, we celebrated Exhibitions Day and held our June educational program. We were thrilled to have over 250 members join us virtually for our three-part program which covered relevant topics such as digitalizing your show and navigating risk management and contracts. Our information-packed program closed with remarks from our very own David Dubois.
As many of us are finding ourselves professionally transitioning, I recommend taking this opportunity to get involved with our new IAEE Midwest Chapter Mentorship Program. Whether you are a seasoned professional-feeling humble and wanting to give back or whether you are newer to exhibitions and events wanting to connect and learn more – take a minute and sign up to receive the Mentorship Alert. Based on your responses, our chapter looks forward to fostering new connections through this program.
I’d like to close on a more personal note. There is so much going on in our world right now - invoking emotions from sadness and disappointment to reflection and inspiration. Collectively, let’s be our best selves, showing kindness and inclusion and doing our part to make this world a better place for everyone.
Dawn Young, CEM, Chapter Chair
Trivia Time |
Below are questions taken from the CEM course book, The Art of the Show. Enjoy testing your industry smarts. (see answers below)
- The economic impact for an event/exhibition is best calculated through their “daily spend.” How do you calculate daily spend?
- Floor load capacity is the amount of weight a floor can safely withstand. What is usually the minimum dead-weight on modern floors? How about upper-level floors?
- In most exhibit halls, the standard booth size is 10 feet x 10 feet. What is the typical metric system equivalent?
Become a Board Member! Help us build the future of the IAEE Midwestern Chapter! The Board Development Committee invites nominations for the Board of Directors with terms beginning January 1, 2021. Please take a few minutes to review the attached document describing the Board member selection criteria and responsibilities, then nominate an outstanding individual for Board service today! The application deadline is August 1, 2020.
IAEE MWC Member Spotlight |
Company Name: Allured Business Media Title: Show Manager
What caused you to pursue your IAEE membership, and what do you hope to gain by being a member? Laura: I have been in Trade Shows for over 20 years, but have always been on the vendor side (Registration and then I&D). Now I am on the management side, and so this is the best resource to be on this side of the trade industry. The webinars and all the other information I am receiving as been truly amazing.
What is the first thing you did as a new IAEE member? Laura: Joined the webinar Golden Nuggets and sat through the amazing information. Was wonderful. Read more
New Midwestern Chapter Mentorship Program Alert Register to Receive Updates! |
With so many bright, talented individuals that make up our chapter, the YP Committee is currently developing a new Mentorship Program specifically for the IAEE Midwestern Chapter to better connect, engage, educate, and inspire our members. Regardless of your age, expertise level, or event career path interest, the program will aspire to have something for everyone and make meaningful connections based on an individual's goals and objectives. At this stage, we are not asking for any formal commitments but instead, want to gauge interest from those who want to stay informed about mentor and mentee opportunities as this program develops. Register for Mentorship Program Alerts Here!
IAEE Midwestern Chapter Meetup |
Start your day with the IAEE Midwestern Chapter July Wellness Meetup on Wednesday, July 15th, 9-10AM. In the face of the current crisis, our July Meetup will be centered around self care and wellness. Lets explore how to nourish body and mind during these trying times. Just like our in-person meetups, the July Meetup is hosted by the Young Professionals and is open to everyone, members and non-member. Spots are limited. RSVP today.
IAEE’s Women’s Leadership Forum |
IAEE’s Women’s Leadership Forum has been designed to focus on topics that are unique to women in the exhibitions and events industry. It is tailored for all women regardless of age, individual situation, or current position held within their company. The Forum is a half-day program being held as a hybrid event, where attendees may attend in person for the education and networking aspects and/or virtually, for those who want to participate from home, with the program beginning at 10:00 AM and ending at 1:15 PM. Presenters will be presenting virtually and will not be onsite. Learn more
IAEE's Krakoff Leadership Institute August 5th & August 6th |
Good leaders are made not born! IAEE's Krakoff Leadership Institute provides the intelligence and connection tomorrow's leaders need in order to discuss issues with key decision-makers and build strategic business relationships. The Institute for IAEE members-only develops leadership skills and broad industry knowledge for future and current leaders of the exhibitions and events industry, and it creates a close support network among participants and enhances motivational and communication skills. Registration Deadline: 28 June 2020. Learn more
June Education Program Recap |
On June 3, the chapter hosted our June education day in a virtual format for the first time ever. This highly attended session hosted on Exhibitions Day had 3 different components that hit on what it looks like to go virtual as well as how our industry will persevere. The session started by hearing from Elli Riley, Senior Director, Exhibits & Meeting Services, HIMSS, and Ben Dunlap, Regional Vice President, Map Your Show, about how they were able to pivot quickly from an in-person meeting to a virtual conference in March. Their experience gave a lot of insight into how important it is to make sure your meeting is set up for success, no matter what happens.
The session next hear from Jonathan T. Howe, Senior and Founding Partner, Howe & Hutton, Ltd, and Lou Novick, National Director, Associations, Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc., about some of the legal, liability and risk realities of our new normal. Their pearls of wisdom let the chapter know how to react to recent changes and what we need to keep top of mind to remain protected for future events. Lastly, David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA, President and CEO, International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE), reminded the group about the resiliency of our industry and gave a snapshot into the industry’s future. He ended by letting the attendees know that IAEE Expo! Expo! is expected to be live this December 8-10 in Louisville, KY! The chapter thanks all who participated in our speaker panel as well as all who attended.
Sponsor Spotlights Managing Uncertainty in the Events Industry |
Our industry has been deeply affected by the disruptions caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and its repercussions will continue to be felt. We gratefully acknowledge our corporate partners that contribute to the ongoing success of IAEE Midwestern Chapter. IAEEMWC values these partnerships, and are now spotlighting their efforts to support our show organizers and planners during COVID-19. Spotlights here!
Seeking Virtual Meeting & Exhibition Platforms |
As we continue the path to resume some normalcy in our professional lives, virtual meetings are now the new reality. Our chapter held a successful virtual education session on Exhibitions Day. We had an overwhelming participation of 255 attendees. Following the session, the attendee survey indicated our members want and need more information on Virtual Meeting & Exhibition platforms. Throughout the next few months, IAEE Midwestern Chapter will be offering a new sponsorship opportunity by holding tech demonstrations from IAEE members who specialize in virtual production and broadcasting.
Does your company have a virtual platform to hold meetings and exhibitions? Sign up now to conduct a presentation and educate our members about your virtual platform! The Midwestern chapter has over 750 meeting planners! Please contact, Gail Brooks. Spots are LIMITED and special consideration will be given to IAEE Members.
Accepting Chapter Charity Applications |
We are currently accepting applications for a 2021 – 2022 Chapter Charity which we will support in the coming years. 100% of funds raised will go directly to support nonprofits in our community. Do you know of an organization that would like to apply? Please send them the application/questionnaire to complete and return.
Help Us Spread the Word |
Please consider making a financial donation to our chapter charity, Sarah's Circle. Sarah's Circle is a non-profit organization with a mission of serving women who are homeless or in need of a safe space. Located in Chicago's Uptown Community, Sarah's Circle has provided support for thousands of women since 1979.
Today, Sarah's Circle has a Daytime Support Center open to any woman in need, a 50-bed interim housing (shelter) program for women who are currently homeless, and permanent supportive housing for women who have a disabling condition and have been chronically homeless. Across programs, Sarah's Circle staff use best practices and provide case management and supportive counseling to help women achieve their goals. Donate NOW!
CEM Week provides participants the only opportunity to take five courses and complete five exams in one week. Along with being able to complete over half of the program in a condensed timeframe, previous attendees have said, “The interaction with other classmates is what makes this worthwhile.” Group discussions and class exercises are structured so students actively participate and gain practical knowledge of the course material. Learn more
Trivia Answers |
- Daily spend is best calculated by multiplying the number of hotel room nights times what attendees and exhibitors spend in the community each day they attend an exhibition.
- Most modern floor-load factors are 300 pounds per square foot or higher. Upper floors are usually built to handle a minimum deadweight of no greater than 50 pounds per square foot.
- 3 meters x 3 meters